Original Medicare is a federal insurance program geared towards those age 65 and older, suffering from End-Stage Renal Disease, or those receiving disability insurance. Original Medicare consists of Parts A and B. These parts of Medicare have different costs, and cover specific medical services. Click on the arrows below to view more information.
Generally, Part A has no cost. If you’ve paid into Medicare through your payroll taxes during your working years, you are eligible for premium-free Part A.
Part B requires paying a monthly premium. The standard Part B premium in 2023 is $164.90/month. If you receive benefits from Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board, or the Office of Personnel Management, your Part B premium will be deducted from your payments. Most people fall into the bracket of paying the standard premium amount. Some exceptions are:
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*This website is not affiliated to, and not connected to or endorsed by by the United States Government, the Federal Medicare Program, or Healthcare.gov. Calling this number or contacting this website will direct you to a licensed, independent health insurance broker.
We do not offer ever plan available in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.